I had the opportunity recently to try out the Woolzies Dryer Balls. Have you heard of this product yet? No? Well let me give you some information from their website.Soft By Nature, Inc. is a small family owned company nestled in the picturesque Hudson Valley region of Southern New York State. Our mission is straight-forward; we intend to pass down this earth to our children in the same beautiful condition that we received it from our parents. We accomplish this by developing all natural eco friendly products and sharing them with our fellow citizens.In this spirit, we are very proud to present WOOLZIES®, The All Natural Dryer Ball Set. This set of six handmade pure wool dryer balls are special in several ways. They deliver the same benefits for laundry as conventional fabric softeners WITHOUT all the nasty chemicals. They save everyone a lot of money by eliminating the need to continuously spend on fabric softener liquid and sheets. They cut down on the time it takes to dry a typical load by at least 25% thereby saving everyone even more money and cutting down on fossil fuel usage. Finally, being as that they are handmade in the democratic republic of Nepal, they provide a steady source of income to the desperately needy women of that developing nation.So smile when you purchase a set ofWOOLZIES®, because you know you're helping to make the world a more pleasant place for yourself, your family and future generations!Here is a video about Woolzies.My Review:My husband and I both have sensitive skin for different reasons. I do not like to use fabric softener in our laundry because of it. However, I was pleasantly surprised by this product. I used them with the load of laundry that had a pair of jeans and very heavy sweatpants. These dryer balls actually did help that load to dry faster. Since I do not have a washer/dryer, I need to do my laundry at the laundromat. It only took about a half hour for that load to dry. I did notice that my clothes in that load were softer than the others. I'd love to buy more. I give this product the rating of: Enter for below for your chance to win a set of your own!
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